The Puppy____________

Name:Eric Yeoh
From: NYDB!!

Woof Woof_____________

[x]Chern Harn
[x]Jon Pang
[x]Lin Hong
[x]Xue Wei
[x]Yong Jun
[x]Yong Liang

My Barkings____________

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  • Credits |My World Of Nice Memories|
    |My World Of Sadness|
    |Blogskins |Blogger|

    Sunday, September 17, 2006

    this is like becoming a weekly thingy.

    oh well, i guess it will be like this till the the promos are over.

    i still think not giving yourself pressure is a better way to study though so i am still feeling relax and studying at my own pace. shouldn't have much problem completing studying.

    studying till 10 in school everyday really takes quite abit out of you. been sleeping in almost every lesson i have been in, even though the studying also got alot of crapping involved.

    that's like 15 hrs in sch everyday -_-''....

    anyway, i just finished watching high school musical!

    ok, that was way late but it's better late then never right?

    great show man, loved the songs so i am dling them now :X

    just 3 more weeks till it's over everyone!

    Last Barking On|11:23 PM|

    Sunday, September 10, 2006

    Argh! Waste of a week!!!

    didn't get down to doing much at all!

    true, i went down to school everyday during the weekdays but it wasn't exactly very constructive and most of it was time wasting.

    then they brought me to play dota on the day of competition which i forgot to blog about and then i was hooked.

    been spending alot of time on that stupid game this week, so much so that i couldn't even take anytime out for blogging or other stuff.

    but no more!

    self-ban is now imposed.

    no more games till promos are over and i am gonna study my ass off to make up for the lost in time this week.

    gotta keep up with the training too or else i am gonna die after promos like a beached whale.

    i slacked enough this week so by theory i should be able to chiong all the way to promos le cos i regained any lost sleep this couple of days by waking up at 12 noon.

    kinda a boring holiday but i think it served it's purpose and let us rested a little.

    just a little.

    but still better then nothing at all.

    all the way ppl!

    Last Barking On|11:17 PM|

    Sunday, September 03, 2006

    surprisingly nice day today.

    got over with the econs lecture and went down to raffles place to meet and had lunch with the rest of the dragonboaters before the fun race organised by smu at the watershock! 2006.

    the location was abit weird... some kinda construction site kinda place. but it looked pretty nice with quite alot of people there. quite alot of fun stuff to do but abit hard to describe la. but something else was nice there though that made alot of the guys very happy...

    actually alot of something else :p

    damn, i wished i had a camera at that time.

    anyway, we heard the organisers say that our race got pretty good prizes, $300 and 11 pairs of Teva sandels for the first, $200 and the sandels for the second so we assumed that the third prize would be $100 and sandels.

    kinda a weird race with no marking what so ever and ridiculously choppy water so it was more of a luck thingy to see the current is with who but my boat got third and the other ny boat got 5th. there were only 5 teams though but only the top teams from the nationals actually went there so only we, nj and ac competed.

    after a race where it like ended right after it started, my boat got 3rd while the other ny boat got 5th. i think ac was first if i am not wrong...

    the sad thing was that we assumed wrongly and 3rd prize is only medals!!!

    gah, i wanted the slippers.

    still, this is like the first medal of my life so i am quite happy about it.

    i want more! and i am gonna work for them!!!

    Last Barking On|1:13 AM|

    Friday, September 01, 2006

    great week!

    especially when you only have like 3 days of school?

    nothing much happened on mon and tues, at least from what i remembered, which leaves alot of loopholes due to my poor memory.

    however, wed was pretty interesting. it was raining heavily since the afternoon and so we thought that there wouldn't be any running during training but the rain got smaller and eventually stopped for a short while, just in time for us to start running and after we ran finished, the rain started again but lightly.

    the light rain continued throughout the training so it was pretty cooling.

    however, the moment we got off the boat, the rain started to get heavier and heavier, such that it was a heavy downpour within 15 minutes of us getting off the boat. and we ended training early that day for some reason otherwise we would be like drowning in the boat.

    mr hee can predict the weather or something???

    however, due to the heavy downpour, we were trapped in the tiny shelter that the sdba offered and everyone just got wetter and wetter while waiting.

    after a while, we gave up and ran all the way to the bustop which was a quite a distance away. the guys gave up their umbrella to the girls but from what i can tell, the umbrella was about as useful as using a penknife to hack a tree in that storm. so we waited for the bus which usually takes a short time to come but choose to take a very long time to come that day while we got wetter if that was possible and freezing when the wind blows.

    eventually we got on the bus, dripping wet. thankfully, the bus we took didn't have aircon so it wasn't too bad.

    after finally getting to the tennis court where we usually shower, we inspected the damage done and for me, if you know the state of my file, you will be able to guess that my notes are like gone case liao. which was exactly what happened. chem got the worst of it and the ink ran like crazy. hek ming was worse though, his pen leaked for some reason and his pants became green.

    so after showering, the rain still haven stopped so we had to walk in the rain to the fast food restarants, which kinda defeated the purpose of showering in the first place. me and ikitia couldn't agree on which one to go to,( me want kfc ikitia wants mac) so we ended up playing scissors paper stone in the rain -_-''...

    we went to mac.

    anyway, after eating, me, ikitia and kampong decided to cab home so we went out to wait for the taxis. funny thing happened.

    a troop( and i really mean a troop) of taxis drove past just before we got to the road and so we thought that getting a taxi was gonna be easy but we were wrong and waited for some time before we eventually got a can.

    notice that it was still raining at this time and we were still getting wet.

    what a wet day -_-;;....

    thursday's the teacher's day celebration but the rain decided to come down again and the sc's plan to have a picnic in the parade sq was ruined. it was quite a nice idea but the weather wasn't very co-operative so we ended up in the hall.

    the aces workout was super weird. it was what? a bangara aerobics??? never even heard of it before that day but it wasn't too bad. pity the people around me wasn't too enthu about it and i kinda got affected by them...

    then the performance started! i must say it's one of the best teacher's day concert i have attended. the weird thing was that there were actually more teacher's performing then students, which is funny for a teacher's day concert where the students are supposed to be the one entertaining the teachers.

    but oh man. alot of ny people can sing sia! and the teachers, especially ms kwok and ms lin zhong yan sang superbly lor. mr loo wasn't too bad either. ms kwok especially sang like a pro. was like O.O.... while she was singing.

    ate the food we brought after the concert and cabbed down to xinmin. we were in time to watch abit of the concert, which wasn't too bad with the teacher's singing too but pales in comparison to ny de teacher's singing.

    and god, the hall stinks.

    only managed to see ms ng for a while but it was good enough. gave her the present and she said that we can meet up some day for makan! looking forward to catching up with ms ng.

    today, i decided to pack my file which was in a horrible state. took me the better part of 2 hrs, which isn't too bad considering there's 8 months of notes and wksheets.

    the result was scary though, especially geo. the human geo alone was more then the whole of the econs file and the physical geo one was even worse lor! ridiculous amount of notes filled the entire file to the max and i could barely close the clip for the files.

    why in the world did i take geo...

    kinda scary looking at all the files cos there's just so much stuff that needs to be finished in just 20 odd days more.

    still, it looks completable( is there even such a word?), but barely and only if i really work hard for it.

    really, really busy holiday coming up!

    Last Barking On|11:43 PM|