Name:Eric Yeoh
From: NYDB!!
Woof Woof_____________
[x]Chern Harn
[x]Jon Pang
[x]Lin Hong
[x]Xue Wei
[x]Yong Jun
[x]Yong Liang
My Barkings____________
|My World Of Nice Memories|
|My World Of Sadness|
wohoo! finally got the team bag after so long le. must thank hek ming though, collecting money from ppl and lugging all those bags around are no fun...
looks pretty cool but i dun really like sling bag... not very good for your shoulders or your back. oh well, just gotta reduce the weight of the stuff i bring then.
finally packed my worksheets after getting suaned by mrs chong. actually i planned to pack today after getting the team bag anyway de la cos the worksheets cannot put in a sling bag in the state they are in anyway.
i still think that the photographers were bribed sia... my boat raced so many times and they didn't get a single clear photo of us rowing!!! even in the finals!!! what the... no skill sia! quite a number of photos but i am kinda lazy to put them up...
oh well, here's a few!
us before the race!
getting into the boat...
during the race! this is taken during the finals and we are the third boat counting from the front of the pic. kinda hard to judge from this pic but this is around the starting part and we were actually leading. but couldn't keep it up though and lost... for some reason though, we were put damn far from the first two boats and then we had to row a slanted course lor...
us after the race!
finally! the synergy is tomorrow and we can finally get it over and done with. i wanna go for sea training!
realised how slack our training was after talking to gary(j2 dber) on the bus. i think if we had their training, less then half the team would be left liao... so to make up for it alittle, i shall give it my all during the sea training! i will not slack off!!!
oh man. i feel stupid. turned around too fast today and hit my head at the edge of the wall at the general office there. you know, the slated wall there.
oh man, i feel like someone has split my head open liddat. couldn't even speak for like half a minute liddat when they were asking me how was i...
immediate swelling.
a huge swelling.
till my skin tore and started bleeding.
luckily, not that much blood came out and i was feeling pretty ok. even managed to complete the phototaking.
oh yeah, i forgot to mention. i knocked my head like 5 minutes before we were supposed to go take our passport size photos.
swelling went down liao le so i am pretty ok. just hoping that there's no concussion or anything liddat and i dun suddenly drop dead a few days later or something...
anyway, synergy again today. did 1 full rehersal and 2 technical one... abit sian diao liao cos i was starving like hell. luckily, the teachers brought pizzas for us!
pig out and ate 4 large slices myself. everyone ate like 4 o5 5 slices and still got alot of extra la! shiok sia! reached home at 10+ though...
bleah. i crashed and burned my chem test yesterday. actually the paper in itself was pretty easy but i did two stupid things and resulted in me dying in the test.
first, i ke kiang and borrowed a chem textbook and only study the textbook instead of the notes. turns out that there's alot of stuff in the notes that are not in the textbook and died for all those qns. which is like more then half of the structured qns.
second, i thought there was alot of time and took my own sweet time doing the mcq and then in the end no time to do the structured. panicked and forgot everything.
no one to blame but myself.
therefore, i shall work hard! gonna seriously cut down my gaming time. dunno if i will be able to keep to this though. but i think the test that i am getting back are gonna help motivate me. now is all just pass by a mark or two nia...
and just realised that all db competitions clash with the major exams... MR 500 clash with block test. national championship and dragonboat festival clash with mid years. river regetta clash with promos. -_-''.... someone at sdba must have something against jc ppl...
my post now are like highly inregular liao sia... nothing like last year where i pratically updated every single day regardless of how boring the day is sia... reflects a little on how much activites there are in jc.
they say were are supposed to complete as much in j1 as we did and sec 3 and 4 and as much in one module in uni as we did in j1 and j2. kinda crazy when you think about it...
anyway, thursday and friday passed without too much incident, apart from the fact that i forgot i got training on thursday as well so i didn't get to go home early too.
kinda crazy... i seem to be excerising every single day... no wonder i can't get fat no matter how much i eat. and i am freaking most ppl out when they see how much i eat outside...
had training on sat that didn't go too well because we seem to have lost our sense of urgency after our initiation and that we didn't give it our all that day. i admit to the urgency part but i know i did give my all during the rowing, especially during the last part so i didn't feel too guilty.
then fun race today! first day wear bai long and everyone was so happy because we worked so hard for it. however, it turned out pretty badly as you will see.
woke up late as i tio blurred yesterday night and set the alarm to 7.45 when i was supposed to set it to 6.45. knew i couldn't take mrt there in time and if i took a taxi, there will be plenty of time so i wasn't in any hurry and got there way early.
wish they would hurry up and complete the circle line...
walked quite a long distance to the oasis bridge before they started today's fun race! it's a race where everyone from the school is invited to form teams of 10 and have fun rowing in today's dragonboat race.
anyway, i was originally supposed to row for a dragonboat team de but as someone from my ct couldn't make it, i took her place and rowed twice in the heats.
here's where the trouble began. apparantly, someone from one of the db team pissed another of the dragonboat team(there is 4) off and the offended team paid $3 to have a prearranged race with them( yes, you can do that). so the first heats consist of 2 dragonboat teams and one j2 kayaking team and another team.
guess who is the another team.
yep, my ct.
so my ct rowed with those strong teams. with only 3 guys and 7 girls. out of which only i rowed before, with all the other teams having rowed dragonboats before. the kayakers rented dragonboat to pratice before liao. considering all that, we didn't do too badly when we looked at our timing, which was still faster then that of the winner of the second heats lor. just blame it on the luck of the draw la.
that wasn't the bad part. the bad part is that the j2 kayakers is way stronger then us and they thrashed our j1 dragonboaters. so one of the dragonboat team is out in the heats, which didn't go too well with the j2 dragonboaters.
luckily, the other two db teams, including my one got 1st in the heats so 3 db teams made it to the semi-finals. (first two of each heats advance) however, the luck of the draw sucked again and put two of the dragonboat teams with the j2 kayakers in one of the three semi finals and only one can advance so as expected, the j2 kayakers advanced. my team luck was better and didn't have much trouble in the semi final so in the end only one db team made it to the finals, even though by timing, the case would have been totally different.
yep, my team made it to the finals! something that was a supposed-to-be since we are dragonboaters and that was a dragonboat race la but then things didn't turn out to be as expected la...
not very sure how to explain the race in details so i will just cut it short. our starts was very good and we were leading but the middle part was ok and the j2 kayakers caught up to us and our end abit dieded and the j2 kayakers won us by alittle more then a boat while we won the j1 kayakers by about 3/4 of a boat and ended up as second.
which wasn't too bad in itself la so everyone in my boat was quite happy. then when we got back to shore we were told that there was gonna be a novelty race where one boat of j2 dragonboaters will be rowing as well, with the winner, the teachers and the other j1 db teams.
just as we got into the boat again, it started pelting rain. ya, like last week. quite ok for me as i was the pacer and didn't have to look at anyone rowing but i think the ppl at the back were having trouble even seeing those all the way at the front la. and so we race. not too sure what my boat got cos we were more concerned about who got first.
the result?
the j2 kayakers.
also dunno why they put a weird weird combi of j2 db ppl in that boat la. like nvr see that grp row together before de lor.
but still, they were not supposed to have lost no matter what de la. so when we got back to shore and went for the prize presentation, mr lee( teacher in charge) face was super black.
oh yeah, the rain stopped as soon as we got off the boat. -_-''....
so the prize cememory went on and we proceeded to eat the food(from the prize) happily and took some photos before...
"everyone pumping position down!"
started getting scolded liao. this is supposed to be a fun race but still our results were very poor considering that this was supposed to be our sport. someone also stupidly go and throw their paddle after they lost and that was an absolute no no. then they say we were yayaing(their term for haolianing or anything like that) even when we were told very seriously yesterday not to do that. this was the only point i think that we shouldn't be scolded for. i dunno how is cheering when they were going up to take the prize considered as yayaing.
we didn't pump that much actually but i think we holded pumping position for like half an hour or something. the worst part was where we were told we don't deserve the shirt and we gotta return it tmr, which will only be given back to us when they think we are good enough
and we own them 300 pumping which i am not sure we have to do tmr or tues.
double shit.
woah... these past 5 days were packed!
let's start from saturday.
first, it was training as usual in the morning before rushing off to xinmin for the homecoming day! it was boiling there but the atmosphere was pretty good, though the stalls were a little disappointing. there wasn't a single stall selling bbq food! miss ng's food was pretty good though. the drinks were a little urgh and i had to like resort to drinking from the tap.
anyway, after the homecoming day, we sat around and talked for abit before going to deb's house to play mahjong. my table one lost to 3 sia! some more is 3 experienced de lose to one not very experienced de. i was one of the 3 lol...
after that, we went to the coffeeshop for dinner. went there at about 7+ and left there at 11+ though, because we started chatting about anything and everything, including stuff that we weren't exactly supposed to chat about. :X
reached home at about 12 and went straight to bed after showering because i have to wake up early the next day for kayaking.
yep, kayaking. it is supposed to make us row better so we had to learn it. took a bus from sch and went to changi for the course.
damn, there were alot of mosquitos there.
anyway, the first thing they made us do was to swim 50m, with our boyancy vest on. you all know i can't swim so while i didn't exactly sink and die because of the vest, i wasn't moving in the water either. kinda flopped around. in the end i had to grab onto someone's leg while they towed me there and back.
then we learned how to capsize and how to save the people who capsized and then rowed about for a while.
that's about it i think...
oh yeah, just when we got back onto the shore, it started to rain.
no wait. it didn't rain.
it stormed.
oh man, the droplets actually hurt and you could barely open your eyes. so much water hit you that if you kept your mouth open to breath, you would be sprouting out water like a goldfish every 5 sec.
still, it was pretty fun in the rain though. we washed our kayaks with some hose and actually sprayed ourself with water from the hose cos the water there was way warmer then the rain water and we couldn't get any wetter then we already were anyway.
reached home at around 7 or so?
normal sch day, except that some of us had to go for the synergy( a combined performing grps concert. tixs at $10 if you wanna come. half price if you can get more then 10 ppl) rehersal.
what do dragonboat have to do with this you ask?
we got a new nickname liao le.
sai kang warriors. translate into shit job warriors/
everytime something needs to be done or help is needed, somehow it always seems to become db ppl who do it, even when there's completely no link.
anyway, we were supposed to just move the stuff and arrange the chairs and other stuff needed for the performance when the curtains are closed and the mcs are speaking so it's kinda a big rush.
reached home at 10+, chionged pi second draft and went to sleep.
tues, gym training. reached home 9+, showered, ate, studied alittle for the geo test and went to sleep.
i so dieded for the geo test. mcq was still ok but when it came to drawing the diagrams, i was at a total lost cos i forgot to study the set of notes of diagrams. so i finished drawing a 5 marks diagram in under 10 sec.
synergy rehersal again today. first time that we see that performing as mon was just a technical rehersal.
they were pretty good but i was alittle too tired after the past few days to enjoy it too much. pretty worth watching if you can get grp of 10 or more, otherwise the tix is kinda ex.
reached home 9+ again.
oh man, i don't think i have been home before sunset for ages.
luckily tmr is my earilest day off and there is nothing on tmr so i get to relax alittle.
no wait, i gotta chiong all the hw i didn't do for the past few days.
weeks actually.
woah... this is like the longest i have gone without blogging?
haha...been hooked onto playing games this few days so i have been playing games till just before i go to bed everyday so there wasn't anytime to blog...
nothing special really happened this few days apart from mr lee asking us to change side when we were rowing on wednesday and i totally couldn't row on my left side at all so it was really crappy rowing. and our rowing position have been redistributed according to our weight with the lightest in front and heaviest behind.
guess who is the lightest right rower? -_-''....
so now i am the pacer, not something i am particularly good at. i am better with keeping pace with others so i would do better at the second or the third seat. though it was still ok la. let's see how it goes for a few training first.
oh yeah. i failed my standing board jump. now i gotta reach the school by 7 everyday to do stupid jumping stuff. kns... i failed by like 2 cm or something and she dun wanna let me pass... nvm... just gotta pass it on mon then i dun have to go for it anymore le.
went for tomb-sweeping today. didn't do much tomb-sweeping though. left that to the adults. instead, i played with my oh-so-adorable nephew.
i just love kids!
lol... he's like 3 and i think he's a little precocious. kinda smart for a kid his age i think. anyway, he's so cute! although i almost died after letting him be superman for half an half, which consist of me tossing him up and running around carrying him. repeatly. non-stop. kids and their crazy stamina when it comes to playing lol....
sea training tmr and after that, i am going back to xinmin for the homecoming day! kinda brought though so i can't spend much... gotta buy a team bag, when it is like just 1 month since i brought my current bag. oh well, it's a good deal i guess, with that addias bag becoming $38 from $55. i think there's gonna be some problem during training though, with anyone carrying the same bag.
anyone got any idea for personalising it?
wohoo!!! as it is, i am now typing on my new com!!!
finally got a new com after like 6 years! now i don't have to see that antique anymore le! but cannot be so bad la, at least it served me faithfully for 6 years without giving me too much problems.
anyway, nothing much happened these few days apart from going to watch ice age 2 with 4e4 after db training on sat. the movie was damn funny but the before and after stuff weren't too great... didn't even talk to most of them for the entire time la. not sure how that constitute as an outing la. everyone were in small groups for the most part and after the movie want to get them to take a neoprint they also dun want. ended up with me getting pissed off and going home myself first.
anyway, i am still going to the homecoming day to see how the school is now as well as to see the rest who didn't go to the movie. though not too sure if there will actually be anyone there by the time i go there after training next sat...
next weekend is gonna be a busy one~fri going tombsweeping sat got training and homecoming day sun got the learning how to kayak thingy... hopefully i dun drown there cos i still totally cannot swim...
training days has been changed le. now training is on monday, wed and sat. that's perfectly fine with me as it gives me at least one day where i can sleep till shuang!
been so tired this few days even though i am not sure why. slept in almost every lesson, no matter tutorial or lectures.
come to think of it though, i have like been sleeping most of the time in lessons for the past 3 months :X
haven been doing much hw either. i think i am way too slack. oh well. guess i will buck up when the need calls for it.
rowed for the first time in the j2 guys boat today. so damn shuang!!! they are so fast man. you can actually feel the surge with every stroke! compared to or j1 guys boat and you can really tell the diff. we were even slower then the j2 girls boat la! even when only about half the boat is j2!
we so gotta buck up.
i am really starting to regret my choice of taking such a weird combi... the timetable is like shit and everyday have to go home so late...
anyway, i force myself to go for training even though i still haven recover. turns out it wasn't so bad... managed to do ok for it...
and i still pratically haven done any homework at all!!! argh!!! they are really starting to pile up le...
oh well, i will just let it pile up till it falls on me then i do.
ahh... finally getting a little better...
been feeling really sick the last few days because the stupid fever refuses to stay down so one moment i am feeling fine and can use the com and the next moment i am feeling weak all over and have to go and rest.
went to school on friday but then didn't feel well during assembly and broke out in sweat so i took a taxi home. didn't feel well enough to go for the cip on sat so i didn't go for it as well...
i have already finished the whole dosage of med but while the fever is about gone, the flu and cough are still there. not a enjoyable thing at all. i haven eaten any fried food for like 3 weeks!!! oh the torture....
why is this bout of sickness lasting so long anyway? normally i would recover in under a week but this one has already dragged on for 3 weeks.
for now though, i am for some reason in a permanent state of extreme hunger, to the extent that my hands are wobbling from hunger, even when i just ate like one hour ago.
what the hell is wrong with my body???